Connersville Buildings

Connersville is the county seat of Fayette county and has a population of around 16,000. It is a very old town for this area, John Connor a trader with the Indians first came to what is now Connersville in 1808 and laid the town out 1813. There are still a decent number of very old homes here and a good number of old buildings. There is an old feeling there considering this day and age and I love it.

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Fayette county Indiana courthouse

Fayette County Courthouse

This is a view looking north-northwest of the old Fayette County courthouse, the new part added about four years ago is toward the left. Parts of the second courthouse built in 1849 still exist as it was added to and changed through the years. The old courthouse was drastically changed in 1890 to it’s general appearance of the present.

Courthouse tower in Connersville Indiana

Courthouse Tower Detail

A closeup view of the tower. These photos were taken on May 15, 2010.

The way I understand it, the county commissioners were undecided as to how to add to or change the style of the courthouse again. Of the five different ways to go with a courthouse change, I give them a score of 2 out of a possible 5 as to an esthetic and historical viewpoint. This is based on what I wish to see when visiting a county seat and is as follows: 5-Original, connected by unseen means to another original or new building. 4-Original with an alternate use. 3-Joined to a new building in the same style. 2-Joined with a modern style building. 1-Demolished and replaced.

Richmond is an example of #5. Crown Point is an example of #4. Martinsville is an example of #3. Connersville is a #2. And of course there are too many that would grouped in the #1 classification.

Old jail in Connersville Indiana

Old Jail

The old jail probably built in the 1870′s or 80′s. It sits across from the courthouse.

Old building 400 North Central Avenue in Connersville Indiana

400 North Central Avenue

Connersville doesn’t have a “Courthouse Square” like most towns in Indiana. Just a main street which is North Central Avenue that runs northeast-southwest through the downtown area and most all of the buildings are to the north.

We will start our tour of the old buildings in Connersville with this fine old building which sits across from the courthouse on the eastern side of Central Avenue. We will continue northeast on Central and then cross over to the western side and then work our way back to the courthouse.

The Connersville Examiner building can be seen to the left in this view. I took a photo but since the ground floor facade has been mutilated I am not including it.

This photo was taken on the afternoon of September 25, 2010 when there was good sunlight.

Italianate commercial building in Connersville Indiana

Old Italianate Commercial Building

I like this old building with the numerous windows and half of the lower facade near original. It sits north of the Connersville Examiner building and was the only complete building facade on Central Avenue that I could get on May 15th because of the craft show that went for several blocks. After capturing my morning shots, I sat on a concrete step just to the right of this photo and waited for the afternoon sun. It was supposed to be sunny according to the weather forecasters but the dark clouds moved in before I could get any afternoon shots. It wasn’t a complete waste though, I have a good number of photos to show of Connersville.

North Central Avenue in Connersville Indiana

400 Block of North Central Avenue - North Half

Across the alley from the Italianate commercial building shown above is the northern half of the 400 block of Central Avenue on the eastern side.

Fayette Bank & Trust Company in Connersville Indiana

Fayette Bank & Trust Company

This bank sits on the southeast (so to speak) corner of 6th & Central Avenue. It is the only building I have to show in the 500 block of North Central Avenue - east side.

I did some elimination work on this photo to make for a better view.

North Central Avenue in Connersville Indiana

 600 Block of North Central Ave  Eastern Side

This is a nice stretch of old buildings and l like this view showing a few of the buildings in the next block including the church at the left. I count seven buildings in all and I especially like the second one from the right and the second and third from  left. The last two mentioned are the Chrismer & Blum buildings.

This photo and the two above were taken on September 25, 2010 and late in the afternoon. There was no festival in the way and next to no traffic.

North Central Avenue in Connersville Indiana

600 Block of North Central Avenue

Eastern Side Closeup

A closer look at the buildings I will be showing closeup views of.

Old building on North Central Avenue in Connersville Indiana

600 North Central Avenue

An interesting building even though the lower facade has been changed.

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